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The Beekeeper of Aleppo

This moving, intimate, and beautifully written novel puts human faces on the ...
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Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

Created: 06/17/20

Replies: 6

Posted Jun. 17, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

At the end of the novel Nuri says, "Mustafa has always given me something to hope for." Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

Posted Jun. 26, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/29/16

Posts: 236

RE: Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

Mustafa is a huge influence in Nuri's life. I think the reason he doesn't contact him right away is because of guilt. He helped kill a man in Greece and bears the shame of that act. He let his wife down when he forgot the key that resulted in her shame. The losses overtook him and made him feel unworthy of the new beginning Mustafa represented. He was not worthy of the bees yet. He had to break before he could heal and he was not there yet.

Posted Jul. 01, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 08/12/16

Posts: 273

RE: Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

Mustafa is the whole reason that Nuri leaves Syria to begin with.. he made him see that it was possible to start life over in a safe place with the bees.. I believe his emails gave him hope and strength to continue on with his journey. I don’t think he told Mustafa right away that he was in England, because I am not sure that he ever felt that he was worthy to start a new life again after the journey he had been on. And also , I think mentally he needed some time to digest everything before he saw Mustafa again.

Posted Jul. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/21/17

Posts: 70

RE: Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

I definitely think Mustafa had an influence - he introduced and taught Nuri all about beekeeping, which became a passion for Nuri. Instead of following in his father's footsteps as a tailor, he found something he loved doing. Nuri knew he had to leave Syria if he was going to survive, but I think his final destination in England was due to Mustafa. It gave him something to live for - reuniting with his family and becoming a beekeeper again.

Posted Jul. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

Posts: 458

RE: Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

I do think Mustafa influenced him throughout his life and gave him hope to keep going. I think he was hesitant to contact him in England because he wanted to be successful in his journey before he contacted him.

Posted Jul. 06, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

Posts: 33

RE: Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

Mustafa filled his life in Syria with promise and success in their bee business. He was an incredible mentor that gave his life additional hope and meaning. When he arrived in England, he had to have been overwhelmed with all that brought them there, including guilt over the killing and letting down his wife. It seems some time was needed to process before new beginnings.

Posted Jul. 11, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

Posts: 466

RE: Do you think Mustafa influences the decisions Nuri makes throughout his life, and if so, how? Why do you think Nuri doesn't contact Mustafa as soon as he arrives in England?

Mustafa introduced Nuri to his true passion. Without running into Mustafa randomly one day, they may never have connected with one another. Mustafa represented potential and the discovery of new dreams. The two worked closely together in Syria, mixing their work lives and family lives. And when everything came crashing down, the relationship they had nurtured over the years was the one bright spot. Mustafa, again, led Nuri to a new dream.

Mustafa went first and helped show Nuri the way. I think once Nuri arrived in England, he let his guard down a little- -to the point where he seemed in danger of losing his mind. His break with reality was keeping him from sleeping, leading him out of the B and B in the middle of the night, and ultimately into the water where he almost died. I think he was ashamed of what had happened to him and Afra on the trip. I think he was afraid Mustafa would not accept him. Maybe he didn't think he was worthy of Mustafa's love anymore.

I think it helped Nuri trust in this relationship when Mustafa shared his own dark days over the course of his e-mails. He reached out and Mustafa came to him as things were finally starting to turn around.


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